"Riveting" —Jill Lepore, The New Yorker

New York Times: ONE OF "100 NOTABLE BOOKS OF 2020"

Articles Sample
Why We Still Fight Over the 1960s RealClearPolitics
Sorry, Liberals. Bigotry Did Not Elect Donald Trump New York Times
The Crash, Obama and the Disappearing Democratic Majority RealClearPolitics
Morning After: Why FDR's ‘Forgotten Man’ Voted For Trump
New York Daily News
Identity Politics Ignores Blue Collar Crisis, in Great Recession 
Woke-Lash, Should the Cultural Left Check Its Privilege? Newsweek
Dawn of Obama: Beware Dems, Demographics Not Destiny RealClearPolitics
Alarm in 2007: Dems Law and Order Immigration Dilemma Politico
On Biden's Historic Choice to Bow Out New York Times
The Enduring Mommy-Daddy Political Divide RealClearPolitics
Warning in 2007: Democrats Must Narrow the White Male Gap Politico
In 2010, Why White Men Still Shun Democrats Los Angeles Times
Gender Gap Blind Spot: White Women Vote Republican RealClearPolitics
Serious in 2015: Will the Establishment be Trumped by Donald? National Review
He-cessions Raw Deal: Is Masculinity to Blame for Bad Times? RealClearPolitics
Hardhat Riot excerpt
Daily Beast
In 2011, Democrats Don't Abandon the White Working Class RealClearPolitics
Vietnam's Forgotten Class War and Our Wars Chicago Tribune
What Doesn’t Kill Presidents, Strengthens RealClearPolitics
US-EU Error: Libyan War Pushes Rogue States to Nuclearize RealClearPolitics
Fiscal Conservative Hypocrites RealClearPolitics
Much ado about Christine O'Donnell USA Today
Essay: Warning '08 Dems, Obama Has Not Bridged Old Divides RealClearPolitics
Forget the Retail Politicking, Presidents Are Made Wholesale The Atlantic
R.I.P. Political Establishment RealClearPolitics
The Exceptional American Berserk, on Gun Violence RealClearPolitics
LBJ, Obama and Hiding Sausage Recipes RealClearPolitics
The Incredible Politicization of the Supreme Court The Atlantic
Obama, Sotomayor, Ricci and White Male Privilege RealClearPolitics
Identity Politics Not New to Supreme Court RealClearPolitics
On McDonnell's Confederate Mistake RealClearPolitics
The DC Economic Disconnect and Democrats RealClearPolitics
All I Hear is Silence, essay on experiencing the 9/11 attacks Book, At Ground Zero
Live at the Circus: Dems Shun Specter RealClearPolitics
Exclusive: President, Prof and Cop Picnic Script RealClearPolitics
The Political God Gap and the Mission of Jim Wallis Washington Post Magazine
Politicians, Not Public, to Blame for Debt Crisis RealClearPolitics
The Meaning of Sanford and Political Adultery RealClearPolitics
Obama: the First Jewish President RealClearPolitics
On Warren and Hillary, Could Another Woman Make History? Washington Monthly
Is Christie or Daniels Really Mr. Right? RealClearPolitics
Biden's last-ditch effort Politico
On Economic Fatalism and Elections RealClearPolitics
The Jobless Gender Gap Wall Street Journal
Murtha and the Virtue and Vice of Congress RealClearPolitics
The Partisan Industrial Complex RealClearPolitics